Thursday 23 September 2021

4 Reasons You May Need Marriage Counseling dahlonega ga


There will be disagreement in every relationship at some point. Money disputes are a common problem for some couples, while a lack of sex or an unhealthy routine of frequent bickering is an issue for others. The coronavirus pandemic has also introduced a new stressor: spending more time at home together, which may increase existing tensions or reveal previously unseen flaws in a relationship.


Marriage Counseling dahlonega ga intervention may be beneficial. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't a blame game. According to Tracy Ross, a New York City-based relationship and family therapist, "couples counseling teaches methods for speaking and asking for what you need.


One of the biggest obstacles to obtaining Marriage Counseling dahlonega ga is... In a relationship, when just one individual is eager to make a change. There will be instances when someone is more than willing to perform the task and the other person is not, Saltz notes. "In the end, both parties must be involved."


These are the four most typical reasons why a couple will seek Marriage Counseling dahlonega ga


You and I have become estranged

Some marriages fizzle out after a few years because the partner no longer cares about the other and lives as roommates. According to Atlanta-based clinical psychologist and couple's therapist David Woodsfellow, who founded and directs the Woodsfellow Institute for Couples, the divorce rate varies by season.


Saltz observes that couples frequently lose sight of what drew them together in the first place, or why they fell in love. Long-term relationships create a life narrative, memories, and history that are impossible to recapture with a new partner. Couples counseling can assist in rekindling that passion."


You and your partner are at odds over money

Money has always been a source of contention in marriages, but when you factor in the fact that baby boomers are approaching retirement age, with fewer (and fewer) years of earning capacity, and low-interest rates, you have a perfect storm for financial strife. One-third of married people aged 55 to 64 who took part in a Harris Interactive survey indicated that disputes about money were the root cause of their marital woes.


Different spending habits or differences on how to save and spend for retirement might cause conflicts. You may be worried about not having enough money or unfairness in the way your retirement savings are managed.


Combs argues that Marriage Counseling dahlonega ga aids patients in better understanding their relationship with money and how it affects their views of both themselves and others.


Unfaithfulness has been discovered by a third party

One of the most prevalent reasons couples seek couples counseling is to mend a rift created by infidelity. One in every five married women and one in every five married men, according to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, had had an extramarital affair.


If you're on the verge of straying, it's best to get help now rather than suffer the consequences later. Even if one of the partners has had an extramarital affair in the past, there is still hope.


You engage in a lot of pointless, nasty debates

When it comes to dealing with disagreement, each of us has a distinct approach. Controversy feeds some of us, while it turns the other cheek when things become hot. Then there are those who use passive-aggressive tactics.


With the help of couples Marriage Counseling dahlonega ga, you'll learn how to calmly and politely resolve issues between you and your partner. According to Woodsfellow, the onset of the dialogue is critical. It's better to ask, "Help me to understand why you feel this way," rather than say, "Why did you do this?" instead.


Always and never should be avoided. Saltz also cautions not to dig up old wounds. What you're interested in discussing our recent events.


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